Friday night I was in Asuncion, it had been just under a week since I ran “La Carrera de La Mujer” (Women’s Race) at Nu Guasu Park in 100 degree heat and I decided to remind myself how much I actually love to run in that park when I am not feeling the effects of heat exhaustion. I went around 6 pm just as it was starting to get dark. The park is well lit with police and lots of evening runners. From my Ipod blared my newest running playlist as I began the 6k loop at a nice brisk pace. I was feeling pretty good, losing myself in my run, forgetting about the stress of the previous few weeks, when I looked down and noticed a not so itsy bitsy spider hanging out in the middle of the path. The tartantula was just chillin on the asphalt. I quickly veered to the right to avoid stepping on it and continued with my run. Wow, I thought, good thing I saw that before it was too late, and before I could finish my thought I saw another and a few meters later another. Before Friday night I had never seen a taratantula outside of a glass aquarium, but that evening I spent my run trying to dodge them! It was pretty amazing to see so many in one place out in the open. I am constantly being exposed to new things in Paraguay!
Things here have been super busy over the past few weeks. School started at the end of February. I am teaching in two different schools this year. At the elementary school I teach computer classes to kids in preschool to ninth grade. At the high school I am working with the Community Project Class to teach about Self-esteem, Values and Decision Making to seventh, eighth and ninth graders. Last week I hosted Long Field Practicum in my site. Three of the new trainees came to my town to observe my work and also present some activities as an introduction to life as a volunteer. They stayed with different host families in my town and were able to get a break from the monotony of trainee life. I really enjoyed having them visit. We were super busy, but had a lot of fun too! Having them here reminded me where I was a year ago. Its hard to believe I am already almost halfway through my service! The time is flying by. The new group swears in at the end of April on the same day that the old group swears out. I will be really sad to see the old group go, but I am going to meet up with some of my friends from that group in Mendoza and Santiago during the first week of May. Yea vacation!!! I am definitely ready for it!
Moving to the USA
9 years ago
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