I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and are preparing for a festive New Year! In all of my preparations for Aunt Franceen´s visit I forgot to post a Merry Christmas message. Aunt Fran has already come and gone and it was probably the fastest time has gone since I got here. We did all kinds of fun stuff. Upon her arrival we stayed in Asuncion for a night as she acclimated to being once again in a developing country. Then we made the trip out to my site where she got to participate in my English class, the workout group for women and Book Club. We spent Christmas Eve day making butter cookies and then delivered them on Christmas Day. We went to mass at my local chapel and ate Christmas Eve dinner with my new host family. The families traditionally eat dinner at midnight after a toast and prayers around the nativity scene, but we ate around 11 before the toast. They toast with either fermented apple cider or clerico, which is fruit salad with wine in it.
Although I was very sad because this was my first Christmas away from home, I am glad that I was able to spend it in a place where I learned new customs and traditions. I am also super thankful that Aunt Fran was here because she pushed me to do stuff that I might not have if I were here alone, like go to Mass.
After Christmas we travelled to Iguazu Falls to visit one of the seven natural wonders of the world. They are beautiful and although its a long bus ride out there, it was definitely worth it! The week flew by and now I am relaxing a little bit. I plan to spend New Years Eve with some other volunteers out in the campo. Should be a fun time! Hope everyone gets to party and enjoys their holiday!
Moving to the USA
9 years ago
1 comment:
Glad to hear that you had a great Christmas and I hope your New Year's is just as great! I can't believe it's been almost a year already!!! Thinking of you always! Love ya!
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