Hola! I am finally here! After many months of anticipation and preparation I have arrived in Paraguay. We got in on Thursday evening and spent the night at a retreat center. Then we took a bus Friday morning to Guarambare where the training center is located. My group, Urban Youth Development, is living in the same town. The other two groups, Rural Health and Early Education, are in satellite towns nearby. We took care of a lot of the logistics during the morning. We received all the information for training and our medical kits. We also started our immunizations today. I had to get one for yellow fever and I think I have about a hundred more to go! We learned some informational tidbits about Paraguay, such as the value of a Guarani… they are about 4700 to the dollar. Then around 4:30 we finally met our families.
My host family is very nice and extremely accommodating. My host sister Laura, 26, seems to be the most invested in my presence in the home. She came to get me from the center and has shown me everything around the house. Also in the home are an older sister and her husband with their three children, as well as the parents. They run a small store next to the house. My host father built the house himself. Laura and I went for a walk around Paraguay and she is going to walk with me in the mornings for exercise. I am the first volunteer in their home. The children are very interested in their new tia. There are two boys and a girl, ages 9, 7 and 5. Mara is the little girl and she helped me unpack all my things, telling me exactly where to put them.
Speaking of things. I had no problems with getting all my stuff on the airline. My large bag was exactly 50 pounds and I know it was over on the measurements, but they did not even check. I had my backpack wrapped at the Miami airport so the straps would not get stuck and cause my bag to be lost into the great abyss of cargo.
My family has electricity and running water so don’t worry. They even have a washing machine. I definitely need to work hard on my Spanish because I can barely understand anything Laura is saying, but she tries to slow down and explain which is great. Well I am off for now to learn more about the Paraguayan culture. Don’t worry about me I am safe and sound and most importantly HAPPY to be here!
Moving to the USA
9 years ago
Melissa! I'm so excited to hear that you are safe and sound and happy! Seems like you are really excited, and are very welcome in your host home. Lucky you to even have a washing machine, as I assume others aren't as forunate... Well, you take care... Check your email... gossip awaits you;)Muah!
Hey Melissa! So glad you are safe and sound. We miss you. Hope you got my package before you left...Didnt hear from you so Im guessing all is well! Good Luck. I know that you are going to make such a difference in people. You are a special person. Ethan misses his Miss Elissa...haha. Keep in touch!
hola amiga,
Como estas? Espero que estes bien. Estas cominedo? ( are you eating well).
Everyone asked about you.
We closed 14 children last month!!!
Take care,
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